
» Opis zapytania

I am asking for an offer for N-formylmorpholine  in three options:
- in a road tanker
- in IBC
- in Drums
Deliveries date: half the quantity in early September and half the quantity end of Semtember. To be determined precisely after winning the tender. Please round the quantities to full packages.
Please provide the payment date along with your offer. Quality consistent with the attached specification.
Please find attached the Qemetica Group BUSINESS PARTNER CODE along with the Qemetica Group Contractual Clauses. Please confirm that you have read it.
The purchase is carried out in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the Qemetica Group.

1. N-formylmorpholine - 37640 kg

Złóż ofertę

» Termin składania ofert

22.07.2024 | 12:00

» Lokalizacja

Chemików 1
37-310 Nowa Sarzyna

» Kategoria asortymentowa

  • Chemia
  • Tworzywa sztuczne

» Dane nabywcy

QEMETICA Agricultural Solutions Poland S.A.
Chemików 1
37-310 Nowa Sarzyna
NIP: 816-00-01-828

» Dane kontaktowe

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Zapytania ofertowe z kategorii Chemia z ostatnich 10 dni.