Zakup i dostawa 2-MCA w ilosci 15,2 t / Purchase and delivery 2-MCA 15,2 t

» Notice description

Dear Sir or Madam,We would like to send you an inquiry for the purchase and delivery of 15,2 tons of 2-Methylcyclohexyl acetate
Please send your offer in accordance with the attached ToR document.

1. octan 2-metylocykloheksylu - 15.2 TO

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» Time limit for receipt of tenders

08.07.2024 | 11:00

» Location

Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 13
24-110 Puławy

» Category assortment

  • Chemicals
  • Plastic

» Buyer data

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A.
Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 13
24-110 Puławy
NIP: 7160001822

» Contact details

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