ZAK/2024/001432 Wisej Hybrid license

» Notice description

Dear Sirs, 
We are interested in purchasing Wisej.NET licenses.
We think that our needs will be covered by:
7 licenses for developers
2 Standard server licenses
1 .NET Wisej Hybrid license (up to 100 seats)
We will be grateful for your help in selecting the appropriate application level. It seems that the Technology Partner model will be the most appropriate and at the same time sincerely suggesting that this is too much for our organization will be helpful.
At the same time, we are interested in software updates and support.
Please direct any questions via the purchasing platform
The purchaser reserves the right to:
change the scope of the purchasing procedure and the manner in which it is conducted.
freely select the bid.
reject any of the bids, resign and close the proceedings, or reject all bids, at any time at any stage of the proceedings without selecting a bid and without any liability to bidders, as well as without giving any reason.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie/Kindly regards, Artur Kaczmarek

1. Wisej .NET Hybrid (Free) 100 seats - 1 komplet
2. Server licenses - Technology Partner - 2 szt.
3. Developer pack Technology Partner (7 users) - 1 komplet

Make an offer

» Time limit for receipt of tenders

24.06.2024 | 13:00

» Location

ul. Chałubińskiego 8
00-613 Warszawa

» Category assortment

  • Data storage devices
  • IT and telecommunications

» Buyer data

Animex Foods sp. z o.o.
ul. Chałubińskiego 8
00-613 Warszawa
NIP: 5272698951

» Contact details

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