„Dostawa i montaż wyposażenia do budynku C O M w ramach inwestycji: Przebudowa i zmiana sposobu użytkowania budynku po byłej szkole podstawowej na budynek "Centrum Opiekuńczo-Mieszkalnego"

» Notice description

Make an offer

» Time limit for receipt of tenders

11.04.2024 | 10:00

» Location

1 Maja 14
16-503 Krasnopol
Województwo: podlaskie

» Category assortment

  • Small household appliances
  • Large household appliances
  • Office accessories
  • Kitchen accessories
  • Decorative accessories
  • Furniture accessories
  • Carpets and carpeting
  • Curtains, drapes, blinds and accessories
  • Furniture
  • Industrial furniture
  • Lighting and accessories
  • Other furnishings
  • Sanitary ware
  • Medical equipment
  • Video equipment
  • Hardware, parts and accessories

» Buyer data

Gmina Krasnopol
1 Maja 14
16-503 Krasnopol
Województwo: podlaskie

» Contact details

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Requests from Household appliances category published on OnePlace in last 10 days.