Budowa sieci wodno-kanalizacyjnych na obszarach funkcjonowania dawnych Państwowych Gospodarstw Rolnych na terenie gminy Tuchola

» Notice description

Make an offer

» Time limit for receipt of tenders

27.10.2023 | 10:00

» Location

plac Zamkowy 1
89-500 Tuchola
Województwo: kujawsko-pomorskie

» Category assortment

  • Construction supervision and other construction services
  • Other construction and renovation works
  • Landscaping services
  • Technical building installation services
  • Dismantling services
  • Road and railroad services
  • Dredging and regulation of water bodies and watercourses
  • Design services
  • Finishing and renovation works

» Buyer data

Gmina Tuchola
plac Zamkowy 1
89-500 Tuchola
Województwo: kujawsko-pomorskie

» Contact details

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