Purchasing platform: Tenders and RFPs
- Household appliances
- Office supplies, equipment and services
- OSH and personal hygiene
- Research and development
- Chemicals
- Education and training
- Power engineering
- Hotels and catering services
- Other
- Forestry, hunting and fishing
- Marketing, publicity and PR
- Machines, equipment and spare parts
- Construction materials
- Rubber-fabric Products
- Furniture and furnishings
- Tools
- Real estate
- Health care, medical equipment and services, veterinary medicine
- Clothing, footwear, bags, accessories
- Packaging
- Fuels
- Agricultural and horticultural products, livestock
- Food products
- Mining industry
- Audio/video devices and photography
- Entertainment and recreation
- Raw materials and intermediary products
- IT and telecommunications
- Transport and logistics
- Construction and renovation services
- Financial services
- Utilities
- Professional services
- Means of transport
- Employee benefits
Przebudowa ul. Objazdowej w Emilianowie
Road and railroad services
10 January 2025 10:00
Dostawy nabiału i produktów mleczarskich dla Nowodworskiego Centrum Medycznego w Nowym Dworze Mazowieckim
Dairy products
9d, 15h
02 January 2025 10:00
Dostawa papieru toaletowego i ręczników papierowych
Personal hygiene products
03 January 2025 10:00
Usługa wysyłania wiadomości SMS za pośrednictwem dedykowanego API.
9d, 17h
02 January 2025 12:00
Świadczenie usług weterynaryjnych dla części I i II w 2025 roku
Veterinary services
7d, 15h
31 December 2024 10:00
Świadczenie usług laboratoryjnych w 2025 r.
6d, 15h
30 December 2024 10:00