» Opis zapytania

Dear Sirs,
Please be advised that this process is to investigate your potential delivery options and will not end with placing an order!
We have an authorisation to the use of EDC as a solvent.
We can only buy a substance that has been fully registered by the manufacturer. Therefore, we need confirmation that you have fully registered the substance. Please let us know if you have such a registration for 1,2 dichloroethane and do you intend to maintain it until the end of 2029 and beyond?
delivery: DAP Gdańsk Olszynka - railway tank, tank truck
quantity needed: 55 tons  in 2026 - next delivery 2028-2029
please attach:
- SDS- REACH and CLP declarations
Kind regards,
Agnieszka Ogorzałek

Złóż ofertę

» Termin składania ofert

21.05.2024 | 13:00

» Lokalizacja

ul. Elbląska 135
80-718 Gdańsk

» Kategoria asortymentowa

  • Chemia
  • Tworzywa sztuczne

» Dane nabywcy

Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Elbląska 135
80-718 Gdańsk
NIP: 5832850390

» Dane kontaktowe

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Zapytania ofertowe z kategorii Chemia z ostatnich 10 dni.