International Marine and Dredging Consultants ( IMDC)


Van Immerseelstraat 66

2018 Antwerp





BE 0422376305

Krótka charakterystyka firmy

International Marine and Dredging Consultants S.A. (“IMDC”) was founded in Belgium in 1982. For more than 40 years IMDC provides, on a worldwide base, specialized, water-related engineering and consultancy services in the domain of inland waters, coasts, ports and estuaries as well as offshore, dredging and environment. Our clients are public authorities, engineering offices and contractors.
IMDC is ISO-9001 certified, which assures the quality assurance and quality control of our work and that projects and communication are done in accordance with an approved plan. For each project we foresee a project specific project quality and communication plan, adapted to the requirements of the project and the organization of the Client. Furthermore we have trained project managers who apply the PMI (Project Management Institute) standards and methodology.