Usuwanie drzew, krzewów i odrośli, koszenie łąk i torfowisk oraz ochrona roślin rzadkich w Poleskim Parku Narodowym w 2024 r.

» Notice description

Make an offer

» Time limit for receipt of tenders

20.06.2024 | 09:00

» Location

Lubelska 3a
22-234 Urszulin
Województwo: lubelskie

» Category assortment

  • Forestry products
  • Hunting products
  • Fish and other fishing products
  • Forestry, hunting and fishing equipment
  • Fishing-related services
  • Forestry-related services
  • Hunting-related services
  • Agricultural, horticultural and livestock breeding services
  • Landscaping services

» Buyer data

Poleski Park Narodowy
Lubelska 3a
22-234 Urszulin
Województwo: lubelskie

» Contact details

Available after sign in

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